Thursday, August 30, 2012

Another blue Monday - another disappointment!

Originally published on Multiply, December 4th, 2007

Good morning everyone.

Well Monday came with a snowstorm, since I don't watch much TV or listen to the radio much either these days, I'm not sure of the final tally, but I'd say we got 20cm for sure, by the amount I had to remove from my car twice I'd say that's about

And, Monday was another disappointment too. Since we were expecting the move to happen at 8am, I got to the hospital for 7:30, hauling all the necessary gears for Tony to get dressed for the next few days and his parka, but when I got there I found out that his INR again had not gone up, it was still at 1.7 and they can't let him out when he's still on the Heparin drip, so he had to stay. Needless to say we were both very disappointed, specially that they had already washed Tony and had put on his underwear, socks and pants ready for the move, just waiting to put his shirt on, so I undressed him and settled in for another long day.

Because of the storm of course everyone was either delayed or just didn't come in. The doctor had been called in early to tell her about the new event, but she didn't come in until the afternoon. In the meantime I was also chasing my Hematologist, who was also late coming in due to the storm. But I had left word in the area where he is that I was looking for him and gave them the room number where I was. As luck would have it, when he came, I was downstairs getting a hot chocolate and a croissant. But as I got off the elevator I spotted him talking to a couple of nurses, he was looking for me.

So, I asked him about my own Coumadin and what I should do, then I told him about Tony and asked if he would consult. When our doctor came in I told her that I had seen him about me and that I had mentioned the problems we had with Tony and if she would call him to consult and she did and now he will be looking after Tony's anti-coagulation problem. And not only that, he will continue to look after him once all this is behind us. Tony used to be followed by the anti-coagulation clinic at the Montreal General Hospital, which is in downtown Montreal, a real PIA to get to and to park, so he said there was no reason he should do that, he would take over, I was really happy about that.

He upped the dose again for last night and I hope that it will be better today, but now I'm more confident that it's a specialist in that field that will decide what to do. I also saw the Infectious Disease doctor last night, she was surprised to see we were still here, and I was telling her what happened. She came to the room a short while later and said I know why that's happening - EUREKA!!!! Someone finally clues in. She said that the Rifampin he is taking for the possible infection to the valve is the cause of the Coumadin not working as it should, then she said she would remove the drug from Monday night, and then look over the case carefully that evening and decide if it was worth to continue the drug therapy. I asked her to talk to Dr. Katz, our Hematologist and she did and came back to say that he would be monitoring this and to continue as before. I sure hope it will be controlled quickly as I don't want Tony to lose his spot at the rehab.

The spot Tony would be taking is one of another patient who is coming back to LGH because he reached his maximum potential, so it's a switch, Tony is taking his room and he's taking Tony's room. Not advantageous to the hospital, as they would rather have a bed available for someone coming from the ER, but they are doing their best to get Tony in there, luckily there is nobody else at the moment who needs that spot, of course that could change at any moment, so let's pray that all will be resolved soon.

Well, that's the news so far, stay tuned for more :) and hopefully the next blog will be a happier one.

I got a really inspiring link yesterday of 2 dancers, one without an arm and one without a leg, it's really something to see, merci Huguette pour le lien :) So I am putting it here for you to watch:

             moscreations wrote on Dec 5, '07
             Thanks Pat, it's a long road ahead and sure is not an easy one, but we'll get through it eventually :)

bluesie wrote on Dec 5, '07
Wow really are having some problems with this move and everything else...
I do hope by this am things will have been improved...
WTG I am praying....
hugs Pat

moscreations wrote on Dec 4, '07
Thanks Barbara and Kanda. I try to think positive, but it's in my nature to be pessimist, and I hate being that way, but I can't help it. but I try :)

barbarab1313 wrote on Dec 4, '07
Hopefully things will get better. Way tooo much snow. Keep warm and try to (as hard as it might seem now) to see the light at the end of the tunnel. (((HUGS))) and PRAYERS to you both

kandaphati wrote on Dec 4, '07, edited on Dec 4, '07
Hang on. Good news is on the way!

Snow storm is coming!!!

Originally published on Multiply, December 2nd, 2007,

Well, isn't that just spiffy!!!! Tony is moving to his new digs on Monday and we're expecting 20cm (8 inches) of snow from Sunday night to Monday. And on top of that, it's going to be cold as well with the wind chill factor, today (Sunday) will be -18C (-4F) and Monday -13C (9F). How exciting will that be to be driving on those conditions!! Definitely not looking forward to that. I have to be there early too, because he's supposed to leave around 9 or 9:30 but I wonder if that will happen with the storm. We have a contractor that clears the driveway for us, but Tony's car is still parked there, which will make it impossible to walk out of the garage, I will see if I can ask a neighbour across the street if we can park it there.

Other than that tidbit of news there is really nothing to report, as nothing happens at the hospital - or at the rehab on the week-end, so it was an uneventful Saturday, no other visitors dropped by.

Have a great Sunday and once he's moved over to Julius Richardson I'll keep you posted on how that's working.

moscreations wrote on Dec 3, '07
Thanks to everyone for your lovely comments. Unfortunately the move didn't happen! Tony's INR was still too low, I will blog about it probably in the morning as I am too dead tired right now and need to hit the hay.

Barbara he's going to Julius Richardson which is in NDG, off of Côte St. Luc, I think 1 street East of Cavendish.
mombaker wrote on Dec 3, '07
Checking in on you here. I pray all went well & everyone is safe & sound & working on getting better. Hugs 'n Stuff. MOM
bluesie wrote on Dec 3, '07
Good luck on that move I hope it happened...hugs Pat
kandaphati wrote on Dec 2, '07
Glad to know about Tony but a bit worried about your having to go out in the cold. Please be careful. Keep warm. I will certainly think of you, Mo. mkinwa was right, you cannot afford to be ill so please always be in your best condition. Eat good food and rest well. How I wish I were there to see if you are taking good care of yourself! Thanks for keeping us updated. Can you give me your mailing address? I want to send you a new year card and I will attach some tropical warmth in the envelope. Pls email if it is not too troublesome.
barbarab1313 wrote on Dec 2, '07
It is colder then heck. If we are lucky maybe the snow will hold off until Tony is safe and sound at the rehab. I imagine they will take him by ambulance and will you have to follow by car? Is the rehab far from the hospital? Keep Warm (((HUGS)))
mkinwa wrote on Dec 2, '07
You won't be any good to Tony if you gt sick.
I don't even want to talk about PICC lines and winter storms, in regards to hospitals. I could tell you tales that would straighten your hair.
Honey this is really good news. We will all continue to keep you both in prayer, prayers that Tony is on the mend, and will indeed, be home for Christmas.
Love you sweetie

Brighter days ahead??

Originally published on Multiply, December 1st, 2007

Well, finally on Friday we got some good news!!!!! Tony is going to the Julius Richardson on Monday morning, around 9am to 9:30am, either by ambulance or disabled transportation.

While in there he will have to dress as he would if he was at home, so I have to pack a bag for him. I don't know how long the rehab at the center will last, but I sure hope he'll be able to come home for Christmas, even if he is not totally back to his old self, which he obviously won't be, as recovery could take as much as 6 months, but not in a rehab center.

The reason he and another patient at the hospital are able to go there Monday is because 2 patients that were in rehab have gone as far as they can, and are being moved back to the hospital to await placement elsewhere, I guess because the rehabilitation didn't completely work for them, which is very sad and I hope that won't happen to Tony.

Yesterday Tony got a PICC line installed on his left arm, you can read all about that on the link I provided. It is a surgical procedure done by a doctor (although the web site says a nurse does it, at the hospital only a doctor can do this), Tony was sitting in his chair and relaxing when orderlies came in the room to say he had to be moved to the bed because the doctor was coming to do the PICC line.

Of course everything happened at once, while this was being done, 2 visitors came to see Tony, one was his niece Anna and the other was a customer of his, who had been wanting to send him flowers since the first day he was here, but I had been telling her she couldn't because there was no room to put them :) we waited about 3/4 hour for all to be finished and then they were able to visit with him. Then another one came, a long time friend who works with him, and he probably wasn't there 10 minutes when a team came in with a portable X-ray machine to take an x-ray of the PICC line, to make sure it was in the right place, so everyone left at that point and he was able to rest a bit, although now, everything is positioned on the same side of the room, the IV pole, the TV and the over-bed table, if his right arm was working I would be able to put that on the right, but we're kind of stuck.

And on top of that, the PICC line is supposed to avoid the need for other IV lines, but because the Vankomycin he takes for the infection cannot be going through the same line as the Heparin, they still had to run another line on his right arm!!!

The doctor very much wants him off the Heparin drip, but they can't seem to be able to get his INR (International Normalized Ratio) is still below the level he needs it to be - which is between 2.5 and 3 and his is way below that, the last report was 1.7 and the day before he was 1.8, so it's going in the wrong direction - same as when he got his stroke! So the doctor upped the dosage to 10mg last night and I hope today it will be somewhere in the range. It would be so much easier if he didn't have to have the Heparin drip all the time, specially when he goes to rehab, I can't see him having to drag an IV pole around and do whatever activity they need him to do to recover. And they have 2 days to get that straight!!! I'm glad the the doctor is working at the hospital this week-end.

He's also on a modified pureed diet, meaning he can have some solids, such as a slice of bread, and yesterday both lunch AND supper were identical!!! Pureed vegetable soup, and vegetable lasagna, the only change was the dessert. At least he's able to swallow these pretty good, now if we can get the arm and hand going he'll be able to cut his food himself, I pray that will happen some day.

I myself had a blood test on Thursday - I'm also on Coumadin, because I had a pulmonary embolism back in 2002. I haven't had any problems since I take the Coumadin, my dose is pretty much standardized and my INR level is usually stable. But since Tony is in the hospital, I am not eating right, I haven't had any vegetables or fruits since he's in there, the odd time I have something but not with regularity, so it's not surprising that my own INR level is out of whack, mine is too thin, whereas Tony's is too thick. So my hematologist left a message yesterday that I wasn't to take any Coumadin last night and he would call back today, of course I won't be home. I have a hair appointment at 9am and then going to the hospital, so I told Pat to tell the doctor to call me on my cell phone. I know he's gonna give me hell about this, but I'll explain why. I used to eat a lot of broccoli, which is high in vitamin K, which thickens the blood, and now that I haven't had any for so long, the blood has gone thin, so I now know why, and we'll have to work on getting the INR in check again.

Well, that's it for now, I better get ready for my appointment and get breakfast. You all have a great day!! It's brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr cold here now, at the moment with he wind chill factor is it -20C (-4F) a very cold day indeed!!!

moscreations wrote on Dec 2, '07
Yes everyone, I know I have to do better with my eating, :) but it's hard when I eat over at the hospital because I haven't cooked anything here since he's been there, and it will be a month on Monday - Nov 3rd - Dec. 3rd. So it's not surprising that my own INR went out of whack, I totally forgot about that.
MOM that's exactly what I have been thinking of doing, and maybe bring a dip too, but still I have to be careful that I don't overdo it too quickly, because then my blood will be too thick. The doctor called Friday night saying to stop the pill on Friday and he would call Saturday, but the man never did!!!! Really ticks me off, so I decided last night to skip the pill again, but I can't do that tonight, he better call today - I can't call him, he's doing this from home!!!
Thanks everyone for your words of encouragement and support, and the prayers I'm sure is why he's able to get to rehab faster than we had anticipated.
Today I have to bring some clothes for him to wear tomorrow morning for his trip there and also a bag for him with clothes he will have to wear while over there. I don't know if I will be able to be there as much as I am at the hospital, since he will be doing rehab (as I understand it) morning and afternoon - we'll have to wait and see.

moezie wrote on Dec 1, '07
hip, hip, horray mo :o) i'm glad to hear that tony's going to JR on monday ... and eat your broccoli woman!!! xoxox

barbarab1313 wrote on Dec 1, '07
Finally things seem to be moving along. It sounds positive, He will be able to recover more quickly now. (((HUGS)))

mombaker wrote on Dec 1, '07
Yayyy!! I'm so happy that Tony gets to go to rehab sooner. Everything is falling into place. Put some fresh veggies in a baggie to carry with you at all times to munch on. That may help your situation. I'm still praying for you both. God is with you at all times watching over you & taking care of you both & loving you sooo very much. God Bless!

kandaphati wrote on Dec 1, '07
Wow... so much is going on. Hope things will get better and better. But the weather is so cold. Even the cold storage in my country is warmer (-18C). Please take very good care of yourself, Mo.

mistyshadows2u wrote on Dec 1, '07
How nice it is to open mail to find Tony is finally getting a spot at the rehab. This should help immensely with everything he needs to relearn. You better smarten up with your own eating habits cuz you can't afford to get sick.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

More disappointments!

Originally published on Multiply, November 29th, 2007

Well yesterday started out ok, I took my time at home getting ready, called Tony at 8:30 to tell him I'd be there as soon as I could and had my breakfast. The morning was fairly uneventful.

I had sent in the papers for the disability insurance, and the lady at the RBC Insurance had left messages last week about some misinformation and such (she just couldn't read the doctor's handwriting correctly) anyway, our contact at Tony's office called her and straightened her out and she called me back to tell me that it was approved and the payment would backtrack to when Tony was first admitted to the hospital, on November 3rd.  The payment is not as much as what we thought it would be, but at least it is NOT taxable, so that is a big plus. She does however need an additional form to be filled by the current doctor and I got it in the mail yesterday, so hopefully I will see the doctor today and get this done.

Around 11am, the nurses got Tony up in his chair, and he had lunch there and was there for another hour afterwards. then he got tired and they got him back to bed. The physio therapist never did show up yesterday - OR she did and we were both asleep, which is a possibility :) but I was keeping my ears opened, and every time I would hear something outside the room I would open my eyes to check it out, but I think that eventually I did pass out for maybe 1/2 hour (always a relief to catch any sleep at all).

The doctor passed by for a visit in the morning too, and she was discouraged herself. She can't get an answer from Julius Richardson, and says they have only 25 beds and that is for the ENTIRE city of Montreal and surrounding areas!!!! I was floored!!! I couldn't believe it would be THAT small. She said that another "heavy" patient has been waiting 2 months for his bed (By heavy they mean someone with a lot of problems) I sure hope that doesn't mean Tony will be there for another 2 months! Even an additional month would be hell, I can't even imagine him having to be there for Christmas!!!! And here we were on Monday thinking he's be there by tomorrow, guess that was a pipe dream!!! Another setback!!!

The speech therapist came yesterday, so that was a blessing, she recognized he was improving, but still needs to work a lot with improving the strength of his voice - the projection. But she thought he might be able to eat a little bit more solid food, nothing that needs a lot of chewing, but not quite so pureed.

She brought in a muffin and a piece of cheese, and he had no problem with that, so she said she would tell the nutritionist to make those changes and he should see it by supper - but it wasn't to be, he had the same pureed stuff and it was that dried up chicken again!!! Hopefully today will be better.

Later in the afternoon we got a visit from the Infectious Disease doctor, it's a replacement doctor because the one who follows the case is away for 2 weeks. She said she had been looking over the case and thought she would drop in for a visit. She mentioned that the Vankomicin he gets to treat the MRSA is not that effective, but the other drug he could have is not compatible with the Coumadin he takes, so we have to stick with that drug, I guess it just means it will take a lot longer to treat the MRSA.

So I guess that day wasn't exactly the perfect day, one disappointment after another, sure hope this day is a better one.

Pat you'll be happy to know I returned Anthony's call last night. He was telling me about the clothes pegs he was told to play with to get his hand moving when he was at Julius Richardson, Tony is not yet at that stage though, but hopefully he will be in the "near" future!!.

Thanks Pat, things are looking up now, and I will blog about it next :)
It was nice to speak to Anthony, and get his input. Once of these days these 2 will have to meet :)
Thanks for the prayers we both need them :)

bluesie wrote on Nov 30, '07
Wow Mo, I sure hope that you have better news in the days that come. I do hope that he will be able to be moved soon. I know that Anthony loved that place ....that is what he said to me right after he got home. I am glad you got to talk to him. I hope it was helpful. He is really interested in Tony and how he is doing since he went through the same thing and today he is as bad as ever. Well you know you met him.....and that was aftter his Your Tony will make it. It does take time but he will make it.
I pray for you both but please get some rest before you both end up in the same bedroom ..not funny I know but you need to take care of yourself also
hugs to you ..say hi to Tony and my prayers are with you both.....

moscreations wrote on Nov 30, '07
Thank you Kanda. Last night I had a fairly good sleep compared to previous nights, I went to bed somewhere between 10 and 10:30 and woke up at 4am, so it's an improvement :) I do feel better, though a bit congested, I have been fighting a cold and hope I don't get it, otherwise I have to wear a mask on top of the gown and gloves!!!

kandaphati wrote on Nov 29, '07
The comments before mine have said what I wanted to say. Mo, keep warm and take good care of yourself. Your health is very important, as no one else can take good care of you. Tony is taken care of, though not as good as you have expected, but he is also deeply cared by you... So please make sure you always get enough rest ... so that you can look after Tony....
Sorry I could not help you, being too far away. Wish I were within driving distance from you. I still remember useful stuff I learned about OT when I was in college!!!!

moscreations wrote on Nov 29, '07
Thanks Bobbi Jo, today I took a bit of a break, I went in a bit later in the morning, and this afternoon I came home around 4:30 to feed my dog, as my gf had a dentist appointment and couldn't be home early as usual, so I had the chance to actually eat supper at home instead of the hospital and watch some tv while relaxing, and I almost fell asleep :) That's the thing that is the worst right now, I never had problems sleeping before but now it's a big problem.

Thank you Barbara, I appreciate it, always

He is speaking better everyday Suz, what he needs to work on, and I have problem doing it with him, is to get the strength back in his voice, his voice is weak, and he has problems with certain words, like those with V's, F's, and some others, so we need to work on those. The actual rehab is far off in the future, he's on a waiting list!!

Prayers are good Mary Kaye and I always appreciate those. His MRSA is in his blood, he gets Vicomycin intravenously for it, which is not working all that well, but that's the only drug he can have, so this is going to take some time to treat that one :(

mkinwa wrote on Nov 29, '07
Wish I had something brilliant to suggest, or even to cheer you. Just know that I am keeping you both in prayer.
I don't remember...where is the MRSA infection? Are they also treating it with wet to dry bandaging?

osuzana wrote on Nov 29, '07
Well, it seems bad to you but he is doing better. Is able to eat more. The better he does where he is the less time he will probably spend in rehab. And you are helping with all the stuff he needs to do. So go buy a live tree if he ends up there Christmas, a table top one and you can plant it later.

barbarab1313 wrote on Nov 29, '07
(((HUGS))) Just letting you know you and Tony are always in my thoughts and prayers.

drsouthpaw wrote on Nov 29, '07

Another update

Originally published on Multiply, November 25th 2007

Sorry that I haven't been on in a couple of days, I come home just so exhausted, that I crash in the living room for a while and watch whatever Pat has on TV, then take my pills (not sleeping pills) and head to bed, only to sleep very little, the night before only 3 1/2 hours, and not that much more last night. I guess the stress of it all is catching up with me.

With my centipede problem, I missed seeing the physio therapy of Friday. But from what I heard from Tony, they had him up on some sort of platform and waling him (by them pushing his foot) I'm not too sure what else they did, these always exhaust him too for the next few hours and he sleeps a lot. The speech therapist was there Friday as well, and she left me with a stack of photocopies from her huge book showing facial exercises to get the facial muscle working and speech exercises, words and phrases, so I ran those with him twice yesterday and still also exercise his leg, foot, arm and hand. Although his arm is not moving on his own, he can resist pressure when you move his forearm, so that is a good sign.

Then in the afternoon we get the visit from the Infectious Disease doctor, he said that they can't confirm that the aortic mechanical valve he has is infected, but they will treat him as if it were, so he was adding a new medication called Rifampin ( I was spelling it incorrectly as Refampine, because I thought that's what one of the nurse had told me but I finally found it on the web). Man oh man, this is one tough drug. The doctor warned us that it would make his secretions, tears, urine etc from orange to red. And also, they would have to monitor him as it could give him Hepatitis C. My response was, if the disease doesn't kill you the cure will!!! This is damn scary and I sure hope he doesn't get that on top of everything else, we have enough to deal with as it is. This drug has to be taken for 31 days - another long haul!!! I asked him if it would delay his move to a rehab facility, he said it shouldn't, but you just never know, so I'm hoping it won't.

The doctor on rounds this week-end stopped by to see how he was and he was starting to complain of bad cramps, and gas in his abdomen and feeling the need to go to the bathroom, so she said she would write in his chart to give him something for that, but before he had a need for it, he started to go on his own, of course he can't get up, so you can guess what happens, fortunately they always have "piqués" in patients beds, so it doesn't soil anything else. I felt so bad for him, and of course you have to keep chasing for orderlies, as there was only 2 for the floor!! And a couple of nurses, yesterday was just hell at the hospital, on the evening shift anyway, I sure hope it was better during the night. Anyway, this happened twice, the second time, one of the nurses came and said they would take a sample and have it tested for another virus called C. difficile, another common virus in hospitals, specially in Quebec, aren't we just lucky!!!!! I pray that it isn't present, his immune system is going to be going to hell with all these antibiotics!

Yesterday the Vancomycin he gets by intravenously (for the Staphylococcus) blew up his arm, he had a huge bubble, so I had to call the nurse to get another IV line going, he's been pricked so often that it's so difficult for them to find any viable veins to take blood samples and to move IV's to another location. He's a human pin cushion and I feel so sorry for him.

I just remembered something else, on Thursday afternoon, one of the nurse he had in ICU came by for a visit, she's such a nice nurse - there are some terrific nurses there and some not so pleasant!!!. The evening nurse he had that night and Wednesday also came by just before I was leaving and she actually exercised Tony's arm and leg!!! First time I see that from a nurse. But she finds us a "romantic couple" :) because I'm always there for him, and help him out, and her own husband (from whom she's now divorced) had a stroke as well and completely recovered, so she knows what we're going through. It's so nice to see these nurses to go out of their way to be pleasant with patients, and so many are just there to do their job, get through their shift and go home, but knowing how short staff they are, I can sympathise with them, but at the same time, it wouldn't kill them to offer a smile once in a while, it does so much for the patient.

Well, I have blabbed long enough now, Tara (my dog) is begging me to feed I guess I better do that, and then get washed, have breakfast and get ready for another day at the hospital!!

Keep the prayers coming :) Have a nice Sunday!

moscreations wrote on Nov 29, '07
Thanks Donna. It sure is slow moving because the hospital has such limited resources, it's just awful. Even the meds he is taking for the infection is not working all that well, so it may take time before he's out of that one.

Thos damn centipedes, this is the first year we've ever had any in the house, the first time scared the crap out of me, at that time I was sitting in the living room watching TV and spotted something moving on my top, I look down and it was one of those crawling on me and I was all alone in the, caught that one in a jar and called the
dkbtimbo51 wrote on Nov 28, '07
Hi Monique, I, am now just able to get caught up with your last couple of posts. It sounds as if Tony is doing somewhat better which is excellent news. I know his recovery from the stroke will be slow, but he is making progress which is fabulous. Praise The Lord! I just hope they can get the infection under control. Even though I may not get a chance to post every day., please know that you and Tony both are in my thoughts and prayers on a daily bases. God bless you both. Hugs, Donna/Dkbtimbo51

Ohhhhhhh the centipedes. I think they are one of the ugliest insects on this earth that God made.I, am, sure He has a reason for them. I sure would like to know it. I hope that problem goes away for you. Mo get some rest!
moscreations wrote on Nov 28, '07
Thanks Barbara, actually last night wasn't too bad, I didn't get continuous sleep, but I did manage to get back to sleep, not sure how long it all adds up to, but I do feel a bit better this morning, hopefully I have turned that corner :)
barbarab1313 wrote on Nov 27, '07
We can never get enough of those. I can't imagine how hard it is for you right now. No wonder you can't sleep your mind must be going a mile a minute. Like I said in the other message don't be concerned about taking a sleeping pill it will do you no harm and I think it would do you the world of good to get some rest. You need it.

moscreations wrote on Nov 27, '07
Back at ya Barbara :) sure need a lot of those these days
barbarab1313 wrote on Nov 26, '07

moscreations wrote on Nov 26, '07
Thanks Moe, Misty and Kanda
yes Moe, the centipede issue is now resolved :) had the house sprayed.
Sunday was pretty uneventful, so nothing really to report. Except that I still can't sleep for crap here, only slept about 3 hours again, so trying to come down here and tired myself out to sleep maybe an hour, but I don't think that will happen, so I'll catch some catnap in the hospital, which is what I did yesterday. :)

kandaphati wrote on Nov 26, '07
Thinking of both of you.
Please always take real good care of yourself, Mo.
mistyshadows2u wrote on Nov 25, '07
Crappers MO you two sure have a lot on the plate. Thanks again for updating as it is important we can follow you and say prayers for Tony. Even tho you can't hear me I'm rootin loud and clear for Tony's corner. xoxo

moezie wrote on Nov 25, '07
thanks for updating mo! i'm praying tony doesn't get c'diff or any other hospital bugs for that matter ... hope the centipede issue is resolved and that you can get some rest :o) xoxox

This and that

Originally published on Multiply, November 22nd, 2007

I was going to blog tonight, but I am really freaked out right now. As I was sitting here, going through my mail, from the corner of my eye I spotted a centipede, the same kind I have this summer in the house - actually on myself as I watched TV, we had called the exterminator at the time, but at this time, it is a bit late in the day and winter to boot. So, instead I called, actually I screamed and ran upstairs calling out to my friend Pat who was just going to, and she came down here with me to look for it - because I don't have hubby around this time, so my big protector was Pat :) but as yet we haven't found it.

I then went upstairs to go get a jar, so we could catch it, if we see it, like I did this summer, and I walk in the kitchen and I see another centipede, but a different variety, I screamed again and my big protector came to my rescue and killed with her shoe and flushed it down the
we came back downstairs still looking for the sucker and still can't see it, but I sat back down here and as I was looking at the computer, and out of the corner of my eye I THINK I saw it crawling on the side of the bookcase next to the computer table, but we still can't see anything, I am thoroughly freaked out and am writing this with my protector by my side, well

I guess I'll have to call an exterminator again!!!!! I just can't take this. I think, but am not sure, that I know where they came in, well the one in the basement anyway, not sure about the one in the kitchen. We had a mini flood this summer in the basement and Tony has yet - or had yet to fix the hole in the wall, guess I have to call someone else to do this too now. He always was a procrastinator :(

Well, anyway, back to Tony, yesterday he had finally, physiotherapy, they got him to sit on the side of the bed, and walk a few steps, they were really pushing the bad foot, but still some walking. Had him lift his bad arm with his good one to exercise him, so he can do that on his own, they were showing him how to roll over on his own, but he's forgotten all about it. Today the nurses got him up and into a chair, and he sat there for a couple of hours, had his lunch there too. It was very tiring for him, and he slept for a couple of hours afterwards, the physio team showed up after he had just woken up to do another session but he was just too tired for it, so they will be back tomorrow. Speech therapy should also come tomorrow, so far he's only had 1 session with her, so I hope this one happens. She came yesterday and showed up at the same time as the notary, and as it was getting on late for the day, so she did say she would be back. Now the one therapy we have yet to hear from is the Occupational Therapy, without her, the doctor can't start proceedings to have him moved to a rehab center. She needs a report from all 3 therapists in order to get things moving. I did leave her a message on her voice mail and hope she will react tomorrow.

So I guess that's about it for now, and now I hope we find the sucker so I can sleep easy!!!

Goodnight everyone and thank you for all your prayers, keep 'em coming :)

osuzana wrote on Nov 23, '07
It sounds like Tony is getting along pretty well. That's good. I am so glad for you. Just get the hole fixed and have the basement checked out. I have never sprayed this house. I don't do poison. It affects the nervous system. We had a friend who worked for the park dept. and has nerve damage from being exposed to the poisons like he was. I don't have a bit more bugs than people that do spray. You might have a stray one get in somewhere but that is bound to happen.

barbarab1313 wrote on Nov 23, '07
Yuk, they must be coming in to keep warm lol. I had one crawling up my bed room wall last week . I get them every once in awhile they come up from the basement. Our basement isn't finished and it can get kind of damp. They actually look like something from another planet. I don't think they can hurt you but the site of them would make the devil himself scream. Bob was home at the time so he came in and killed it. I have killed them myself and feel bad about it but hey it's me or them lol. Glad Pat was around to help. It's less scary when you are not alone. Also glad that Tony seems to be doing somewhat better. Prayers and HUGS to you both.

sandyvic wrote on Nov 23, '07
Hi Mo,
I am so sorry to hear about Tonys stroke and what you both are going through. Since I have been having email problems did not know what was going on.
Sending loads of prayers and hopes that all will turn out well. I can imagine how you are feeling as in a split second life changes.
My dad also had a stroke similar to Tony's many years ago during an operation. He was paralyed on one side and had speech problems and mobility after. He was in Kingston General. After all the physio which he swore by he was able to live a life okay. He didnt have much use of one arm but handled it well. He got to play cards as we had a card holder made for him. Walking wasnt the easiest but he was stubborn and he managed. Have a feeling Tony is a lot like my dad was and will succeed in whatever comes his way. My heart goes out to you both though as I know it is not a very time.
Thankfully it sounds like you have a very good friend there for you and that is super.
About centipedes.......I would be running for the hills too. Only one of those things when I was in my early 20's, took the kids and sat outside until my hubby came home, lol.
Take care and even if you dont hear from me often you are both in my thoughts and prayers.
Perth, Ontario

mistyshadows2u wrote on Nov 23, '07
lol lol lol....Boy do you ever sound like me when it comes to crawlies. I can spot a spider crawling in Toronto...not to mention centipedes. When I first got married we lived in a beautiful basement apartment but it had a cold cellar off the bedroom. When I opened the door they scattered...So I bought some spray ...sprayed and then blocked the bottom of the door. We had rented the apt just before we got married...After the first week of living in the apt. I tore the bed apart to wash bedding..All along the bottom ...foot part where the cover rolls over and tuck under mattress...well all along between the flat sheet and the fitted sheet was a whole whack of them damn crawlies...I just about fainted...I could be in living room watching TV and see a spider crawling..One night when hubby got home from work I had a half dozen of his shoes scattered all over living room I'd used to kill spiders..He found me sitting with my feet up on the couch...hahahaha What a suck eh. I'm so thrilled to hear Tony is finally getting some needed help. It is very tiring for them in the beginning but if ya don't push him it will take much longer to get things working. Have patience and do make sure you get your sleep. xoxo

barb5t wrote on Nov 24, '07
Yikes bugs. We had some sugar ant visitors last summer. They found a way in to the kitchen. I imagined I could feel them crawling on me until the cornmeal and ant bait started working. The cold weather may have those centipedes looking for shelter. Do you have a sign that says "Occupied" you can use to discourage them?
I am so glad your efforts were rewarded. I hope the OT will show up tomorrow. Being a hospital advocate and guardian for Tony is no easy task. You have my continued prayers.
Hugs, Barb

moscreations wrote on Nov 24, '07
I am running late right now, but wanted to check the blog. I won't be dong a blog today, maybe tonight if not then tomorrow.

Suz, the spray that they use is not harmful to pets or people, but it is deadly for the'm still skittish though!!!

As long as the physio and speech therapist do their thing (and me to follow through when they're not there) hopefully he'll move along faster to the road to recovery, but there are other problems, which I will blog about later - it ain't over yet!!!! Thank you all for your comments and encouragement AND the continued prayers.

Misty, I would just have died it I had found bugs in my bed!!!!!! YUCK!!!!!

Sorry if I'm nor personalizing all responses, it's after 8, I have to get breakfast and get to the hospital, hope you all have a great day!

drsouthpaw wrote on Nov 24, '07

shepaintsthestars wrote on Nov 24, '07
Dearest Mo...

You and Tony are not very far from my thoughts, heart or prayers....
I pray that Tony will have a speedy recovery and that you in turn are managing to take good care of yourself. Rest, eat proper and let others shore you up and encourage you.

I do not know you very well Mo...
But I so love your creativity, your sense of humor and your generosity.

I remember about a year ago, I asked that you might make some Sig tags with both my proper name = Melinda and my nickname = Mindy, if it were not too much trouble for you. You were so kind and obliged, I felt so lucky because I absolutrly love your Sig tags/ :) You were so gracious about the whole thing and I have never forgotten it. :)

In any case, I hope you fond Tony feeling better today! :)
God Bless, you are an awesome lady!

moscreations wrote on Nov 25, '07
Thanks so much Mindy, I really appreciate this, we both need all the prayers we can get. With all this happening, I can't say that I have taken care of myself very much, I'm with him minimum 12 hours a day, and haven't had a home cooked meal since Nov. 3rd, the day he entered the hospital (before his stroke, there was another problem) I sometimes eat at the hospital (not that very nutritious either, and bring sandwiches) I don't sleep well either with my thoughts going in every directions, worrying about so many things.
Thanks for the compliment about my tags, it will be however a very long time before I can do this again, I have lost total interest, not to mention that my computer is still down anyway. Thanks for your support.

Bobbi Jo,I was totally freaked out by those critters. I did get the house sprayed so that should take care of that until spring anyway :)
Yes he is progressing albeit slowly, if we can just get him into rehab it will be even faster, I am beginning to be more hopeful in that respect, but there are other obstacle, which I will blog about! Keep the prayers coming!. We need a lot of those!

Playing catch-up

Originaly published on Multiply, November 20th, 2007

Well, here we are 2 days later, and a few more news.

First of all, Tony was moved for a regular floor on Sunday night around 7pm. He is in an isolation room, because of the Staphylocaucus bug he's got, that means he gets to have a private room, of course as soon as that is cured, then he moves to another room, whatever is available!!

Since he moved back to the 4 West section, he asked me if I would stay with him overnight. So for the past 2 nights I stayed over and was able to look after him, or at least oversee what was happening during the night. He doesn't sleep very well, and last night he had bad spasms in in right leg, I don't know whether that is good or bad. But I have to say I am totally exhausted after these 2 days, and not only those, the last week has been very stressful and that won't stop anytime soon.

Yesterday we finally saw a doctor, a new cardiologist, who said that it was no longer a heart problem, but more of a medical one, and that the case would be turned over to another doctor, and we finally saw her this afternoon.

I had been calling and calling the physio therapy department, only to be told that they were short of personnel, different rotations etc etc etc in other words, I'm being given the run around. When we saw this new doctor, Dr. Serban, she said she had the exact same frustrations, she had called trying to get the same thing and also was unsuccessful, and she said I should complain about it to the 5th floor, gave me the name of a doctor, but when I went there, she wasn't there and I was directed to another office that is the one for Local Services Quality  and Complaints Commissioner.

She was on the phone when I got there, and I waited until she was done, then I walked in and said can I impose on you to complain about something. I told her about the whole thing, from the minute we arrived at the hospital on November 3rd (for the bleeding) until today. My main concern of course was that of the physiotherapy which is just not happening when it should be. She knows of the difficulties, which they always say is that surgical patients have the priority, but all the same that doesn't mean that a patient with a stroke is no less important, because it was too late in the day she couldn't do anything today, but tomorrow she will contact them and see what will happen. She will then proceed with the formal complaint and I will eventually get a letter here confirming this - what will be done of it. I'm not 100% sure, but as long as it gets things moving that's what counts.

He hadn't been receiving any physio for nearly 5 days now, well tomorrow will be 5 days, that is simply not acceptable. In order to get him moved to a rehabilitation facility, he has to be followed by the hospital's therapist who in turn will make the recommendation that he be moved to one of the rehab centers, and I sure hope that gets moving quickly.

Yesterday when we saw the cardiologist I was asking him how long it would be for the virus to be cured and he said 4-6 weeks!!! I was totally dumbfounded and couldn't believe it would be this long, and today when I asked Dr. Serban, she said 4-5 days!!! What a difference a day makes or a doctor makes!!! Whom can you trust these days!

Last night when Tony had his leg spasms, a nurse came to the room and said she would get him something, she came back with Gravol, to help him sleep and a Tylenol, which actually looked different, I think it was an Atasol, so I questioned what it was, and she said it was Tylenol, I told her he was NOT allowed to have that, what the hell is wrong with these people. His chart clearly shows in large block letters not to give him any, the reason being that it would mask the result of the blood work regarding the virus and we can't have that. It's a darned good thing I was there - that was in the middle of the night. I hope nothing like this will happen tonight. I pray he will have a restful night.

Another development is that I'm working on getting Power of Attorney - something I really hate having to do, but we have to be realistic, since he cannot write at this point, I have no choice but to do this, and bless his heart he doesn't resent it and completely understand, which another reason whey I'm at the computer tonight as I had to get a letter printed so that we can get it stamped by the commissioner and then the notary will be coming over in the afternoon and the whole thing will be legalized, and I won't have to go to court. I always relied so much on Tony to handle all the affairs and now I have to take over, which is going to be another burden, but I must do it, just like I have to help him physically to get back to normal, or as normal as he can be. I can't wait for him to get to rehab.

I sure hope he'll be able to be home for Christmas, that is the ONLY thing I want for Christmas, and I pray that it will happen. Seeing that we have stairs to get in to the house and have stairs going up to the bedrooms and the basement, it is primordial that he be able to walk in order to come home. We might just have to sell the house, a prospect that I just don't even want to think about, we have so much stuff, that it just boggles my mind and wouldn't know where to start.

I am so glad that I have my friend Pat with us, she is a source of comfort right now, even if she doesn't know it. I rely on her to look after our dog Tara, so I don't need to worry about that or any more mundane things, such as taking out the trash or the recyclables to the curb, to the more physical things she has done for us, like raking all the leaves and cutting down the shrubs and digging out the annuals, something that is totally foreign to her, since she always lived in an apartment.

I guess that is about it for now. Please keep him in your prayers and thanks to everyone who comments in my blog entries with your words of encouragement and your support, it is most appreciated.

barbarab1313 wrote on Nov 20, '07
What a run around you have been getting. It's bad enough to be in hospital but it shouldn't be your job to make sure Tony isn't given the wrong medication. I am glad you made a formal complaint I just hope they get the ball rolling 5 days is totally unacceptable with no therapy. You must be exhausted I hope you will be able to get some rest. You are both as always in my thoughts and prayers. HUGS

osuzana wrote on Nov 21, '07
I pray you get that too and it always astounds me that nurses don't read the charts when they give meds. If mine is in there I have to be there the whole time just to be sure he doesn't get any dye for tests because his meds with that can cause death. So I don't trust anyone either. He was there for a week when he got staff infection and that was horrible. I am thinking about you. My mom decided to give me power of attorney when she was in the hospital last time because she knew she was out of it. It is a necessary thing, although it may not be needed it is a good thing.

mistyshadows2u wrote on Nov 21, '07
Man MO you guys sure have been having a go of it. Keeping you both in my prayers.

kandaphati wrote on Nov 21, '07
Mo, make sure to stretch those joints that Tony moves little so as to prevent stiffness. Do that often... It helps.
My thoughts are with you. Hope things turn out as you wish. Remember to take good care of yourself. Thanks for keeping us updated.

barb5t wrote on Nov 22, '07
Hi Mo,
I decided I better join this site so it's easier to send you hugs.
I just caught up on all the happenings tonight. It sounds beyond frustrating. Do keep the hope. I know good things will happen. Tony has you on his side. Try to take care of yourself. You both have my continued prayers.

mombaker wrote on Nov 22, '07
Thinking of you & praying all gets well sooner on this our U.S. Thanksgiving Day. LeAnne cooked up enough to keep us eating for days to come. Sweet potatoe pie is cooling at this very moment. Loving you both & God Bless!

moscreations wrote on Nov 22, '07
Hi everybody, thank you so much for your kind words of support and prayers, it means a lot to me.
Nice to see you here Barb, it is very frustrating that you have to keep bugging people to get things done.
Thank you Kanda, yes I do exercise him and he even does some of it himself now :)
Thanks Misty, I just hope he gets through this and hoping he might be home for Christmas, but at this stage, it's too early to tell
Thanks Moe, I got a visit today from the person I saw with my complaint, she was following up at the desk, checking the chart and came to see me after, I'm so glad I did this. But it shouldn't be necessary to have to do this, it really ticks me off.
Holy cow Suz, that's dangerous. There are so few nurses that I can say I actually trust, it's damn scary. Tony still had the staph infection, and I don't know when he'll be over that, though he doesn't seem to suffer from that, at least not outwardly, maybe because it's in his blood.

moscreations wrote on Nov 22, '07
Thanks MOM, I forgot to wish all my American friends a very Happy Thanksgiving, being away from the house for nearly 14 hours a day, I have forgotten this.
Don't eat too much now :)