Originally published on Multiply February 2nd., 2008
I don't come on the computer much these days, but when I do, I don't know where the time goes, I'm mainly here usually to do my online banking and then the odd time I actually have time to go through email, though not enough time to forward to all. And blogging is just another matter all together.....lol.....but today I felt I had to make an entry, at least 1 per week :)
Where to start?!?!?!? We had been told there would be a home visit, and when they would come, they would bring Tony along for the ride and to see how he did at home, however that is not how it turned out to be.
The 2 therapists, physio and occupational, came to see the house this week, and assess what needs to be done, installation etc before Tony can come home. But they did not bring Tony along.
I already knew that we would need grab bars in the bathrooms, they took measurement to make sure we got the right size. We had anticipated that he would also require a raised toilet seat, but luckily, he has enough strength to be able to get up from a normal toilet, as long as he has the grab bars, we were both happy that this could be achieved, as those seats are really messy and a pain in the butt, no pun intended.......lol.
They then measured the stairway and as we already knew, we have to install a new railing on the side of the wall, so that he can use that when going down the stairs, so all this was measured and noted by the OC therapist, she is the one in charged of all this co-ordination. They suggested I use the company Wil-Aide Medical for the installation of the grab bars and to also get them to install the railing, one of the therapist had called them previously to enquire about them selling and installing railings and was told they had those in stock and would come to show me what they had, but it turns out that they have to go buy the supplies, wood, brackets etc and stain them if we want (and I do) and then come and install them, so all of that is putting a delay in Tony being able to come home for a week-end visit, we had hoped originally to be able to do that this week-end, but they(therapists) didn't give me the details fast enough to get the information to Pat (my friend who can get me the bars from the company she works for) in time for her to place the order. Employees can only receive delivery of anything they order on Friday, so it was too late for last Friday, so we had to wait until this Friday to take delivery of the bars, I also had to order a bench to help him to get into the bathtub and get washed. You can see it here. So Pat, ordered all the necessary bars and the bench and brought them home yesterday. We also need to install 2 grab bars in the garage doorway to the house, to help him to go up the 2 steps he has to climb to get into the house.
Once all of these are installed he will be able to come home. The grab bars will be installed next Thursday in the afternoon and at that time, the gentleman will check out what needs to be ordered for the railings for the stairway that leads up to the bedrooms, and he will get those, stain them to match what we already have and come back and install them the following Tuesday night, that would be Feb. 12th. It's very disappointing that we couldn't get him to get this done sooner as it delays everything. But he needs 3 days to get the staining done properly, so unless I knew someone else that could do it (which I don't) I pretty much have to wait for him, and hope that doesn't cost an arm and 2 legs. I am very fortunate though that I was able to save a huge bundle on the grab bars and the bench. I ended up paying $79 for the whole thing (
5 grab bars 18 inches, one 32 inch, and one angled which on the web site they show installed in a V but will be installed in an L position, plus the bench), the therapist told me that if I had purchased these at a retail place, it would have cost me upwards of $300!!!! At least I saved there, but I know I'll be paying through the nose for the railings! I don't yet know how much that will be!
Before the home visit, Pat and I removed the coffee table from the living room, because I know it will be in the way of Tony getting around there, it is not a very large room. It was also decided (and I already knew it would have to be done) that we would have to move the green leather chair we have in the living room (the only one he can safely sit in) to the other side of the room, so he can watch TV, so the living room will have to be re-organized before he comes home.
Going in to the basement is out of the question because it is a circular staircase and not safe for him to use - at least not at this time, and to be frank I don't even know if he will ever be able to come down this staircase as it stands right now, we may have to invest in a different staircase later on.
We have so much stuff down here (basement) it is totally disorganized right now, because of the mini flood we had in August and Tony, being the procrastinator that he is, was putting off getting this fixed and ready for winter, so everything is all over the place, plus we have the computers down here. Maybe at some point we might have to think of moving these up to the second floor, but right now, I would like to get a wireless router and get the internet working on his laptop when he comes home, so at least he'll be able to entertain himself with that, without the internet, it's pretty boring for him, and I know nothing about those things, so that is something to look at when he comes home for good! Right now we are using 2 different ISP, one for my computer (which is out of commission) and one for his (the reason behind this was that a while back when he would log on to his company through their network (VPN) it would knock me off the internet, so we decided to use a separate ISP for him). We will have to get rid of that - and save money at the same time.
In other news, we've had some pretty harsh weather here in Montreal, and on Wednesday morning as I was taking out a recycling bin, I didn't see there was ice in the driveway, it was dark and didn't show, and I took a bad stumble just in front of my car, I hit my tailbone pretty hard, but it's getting better now, but the worse was my left knee, which is already sore from the cyst I have there, it's still sore, I sat all day with either cold packs or ice bags on my knee at the rehab center. The staff were great at helping me with that. I had to put more on today as it's still painful. Hope that will go away soon. I'm going for the ultrasound next week for the cyst, and Lord only knows when I'll get the results of that and what will need to be done about that.
That's another source of worry for me, because if I need surgery, what will happen to Tony???? And what will happen to me too?? I try not to let it worry me until I know more about it, bit sometimes it does keep me awake thinking about it, I can't help it!
WOW I know I rambled on and on here and hope all of the above makes sense to you and hope that you all have a great week-end!
Thank you all for your thoughts, comments and prayers, we both really appreciate it.
moscreations wrote on Feb 8, '08
nanook84 said
Mo I'm sure he can have some invalid payment from the Québec's Pension Plan, if he is not going to be able to go to work, at least for a year they will pay up, they even send you the back payment, that is what Diane used to buy her electric wheelchair.
Mo the nice part about Vinegar is that is is such a small dose that it won't affect the Coumadin, here we all are on Coumadin, because of thrombosis in our legs, and that is what we use. but you have to make sure it is like 1/4 cup white vinegar to 3/4 cup warm water, not more than that. Legs are our "bête noire" in this family it is a degenerative bone marrow and arthrosis gene that is defective, and we loose the use of our knee to start, then it keeps on. Make sure you have 2 type of "salt" for when he come home they say that you can use the big de icing salt, up to below 5, then you have to use a mixture as the de icing salt has no effect. I used to buy a huge bucket at Costco with a Polar Bear on it it worked just fine. It was a mixture for all weather. A bit costly, but much less than yet another visit at the hospital.
Now you keep us posted, also for your own test, sending you love and prayers.
Take care now you hear?
We haven't applied for his QPP yet, want to wait until he's 65, he's 63 right now. Not sure if they would pay for invalidity, not yet anyway, because he hasn't finished all therapies, I guess once everything is over and if they determine he won't be able to do anything then maybe we can go that route.
I have DVT too, and had a pulmonary embolism in 2002, that's why I'm on Coumadin, some days my legs are just so full of bumps and lumps!!!
Will have to make sure the driveway is nice and clear when he comes home, and wouldn't you know they keep saying it's going to snow almost every day next week!!!!
Will probably take a week or two for my doctor to get the result of the ultrasound!! I know there is definitely something there though, the technician did say there was. But what it is for sure will have to wait and see!
Thanks for the support and prayers Sylvie - merci beaucoup :)
nanook84 wrote on Feb 7, '08
Mo I'm sure he can have some invalid payment from the Québec's Pension Plan, if he is not going to be able to go to work, at least for a year they will pay up, they even send you the back payment, that is what Diane used to buy her electric wheelchair.
Mo the nice part about Vinegar is that is is such a small dose that it won't affect the Coumadin, here we all are on Coumadin, because of thrombosis in our legs, and that is what we use. but you have to make sure it is like 1/4 cup white vinegar to 3/4 cup warm water, not more than that. Legs are our "bête noire" in this family it is a degenerative bone marrow and arthrosis gene that is defective, and we loose the use of our knee to start, then it keeps on. Make sure you have 2 type of "salt" for when he come home they say that you can use the big de icing salt, up to below 5, then you have to use a mixture as the de icing salt has no effect. I used to buy a huge bucket at Costco with a Polar Bear on it it worked just fine. It was a mixture for all weather. A bit costly, but much less than yet another visit at the hospital.
Now you keep us posted, also for your own test, sending you love and prayers.
Take care now you hear?
moscreations wrote on Feb 6, '08
kandaphati said
Wish you all the best. Make wishes. It's Chinese New Year's Eve today (Feb-6). Best wishes to you, Mo. Things will get better very soon! (-:
Thanks Kanda, Happy New Year :) although you are not Chinese :) and neither am I......lol
kandaphati wrote on Feb 6, '08
Wish you all the best. Make wishes. It's Chinese New Year's Eve today (Feb-6). Best wishes to you, Mo. Things will get better very soon! (-:
moscreations wrote on Feb 5, '08
nanook84 said
Oh Mo, so sorry to hear that Tony wasn't able to come home, even for a short visit. I do understand what you are going through since I've gone through this with both my older sisters, and 2 nephew already, our Medicare isn't the fastest one.
Have you contacted your local CLSC about it, it did help when I did for my sisters, they lent me equipment so they could come home earlier, till we got their place fixed properly.
As for having only 1 chair that Tony can sit comfortably and securely in the house, my nephews came up with a nifty thing for my sisters, they measured the height that chairs and compared it to others had to be raised in the house, then they made sturdy block out of hard wood with a tiny railing all around so the chair's legs wouldn't slip of them, what is nice with this system is that when my sisters go to visit they can bring the non slip blocks with them and use them at my house or whatever. Most chairs come in only 3 heights, so it was pretty simple to make the sets, once they figured it out.
They also used cedar to design platform to get in and out of the bath, as well a one that my sister Diane can use to get in her pick up, this one has a kind of "handle" that she use to retrieve it with her cane once she is in the pick up.
Both sister have finally been approved by the Québec's Retirement for the full Invalidity program, and their whole house and vehicle will be modified accordingly.
You ought to discuss it with Tony's specialist. As the cost for equipment sure add up fast.
Otherwise don't forget to have everything approved and then send the bills with your Income tax report.
Black ice, the hypocrite one, now about that knee that is hurting, after a fall like that, they always tell you to put ice on it, true, but alternate with warm not hot compress made of 1 part white Vinegar 3 parts water, Vinegar contains ASA and will go through the skin, to help relieve both the pain, and the swelling, it is also good to "suck" any fluid that might have accumulated out, like for a furoncle, oh not sure if this is in English.
Now you be careful you know that come this week, we will be in for more of the stuff we had last week. We sure have an "old fashioned" Quebec Winter this year. Lets hope Willie was right and that it will be an early Spring.
I'll be praying for you and your family. Big hugs to you and your family.
Hi Sylvie, thanks for your comment. After I get all the grab bars installed and most especially the extra railing to go upstairs, which will be done next Tuesday, he'll be able to come home for the week-end - not this week-end, but the next one and will be home for good soon after that.
I haven't contacted the local CLSC yet, THEY (the rehab) were supposed to do that, but I'm thinking that I'll have to do it myself if I want to hear anything. They were telling me that after they are contacted they don't do anything for a few weeks, they have to study the case etc etc (the CLSC), because I was hoping to the CLSC nurse to come and give him or help with a bath or shower twice a week.
That was a great idea with the non-slip block. I think though that Tony will be ok pretty soon, his legs have grown a lot stronger, he can get up now from lower chairs, but of course he does require armchairs, getting up from a chair without arms will take a while!
Sounds like your sisters are in worse shape though than Tony, I don't know that he would be considered "full invalid" not even sure what exactly that means, of course he hasn't finished all therapy, once he is back home, he will be going twice a week as an outpatient, for about 2-3 hour sessions I think, not sure of the timing yet, but twice a week for sure. I guess we'll have to wait a year to see about the driving etc and even working - not that he really wants to go back anyway, he was really tired of it all, but even if he did, he wouldn't be able to get the same job. And that's also why after the rehab is going to be over, he will be going through the one at Constance Lethbridge, at least that's what they told us when we had the family meeting, that is a long way off though, as the outpatient will be for about 3-4 months.
I haven't tried warm compresses as yet, but was thinking about doing that, but I can't use ASA, because I am on Coumadin and you can't use that, so I guess I can't use the vinegar mixture, I had no idea that vinegar had ASA in it though!
Yeah we sure have been getting a real mixture of weather these days haven't we. It's almost like the winter I knew as a little girl, but it was much worse then....lol. I hope it gets better by the time Tony comes home, because it will be hard for him to get around in the snow. They haven't even tried to get him in and out of the car yet, I hope we won't have problems with that!
Thanks for the prayers, I always appreciate those and it's so nice to hear from you, thanks for visiting my page.
moscreations wrote on Feb 5, '08
tenderhope said
Hi Mo,
I really wished we lived closer, I'd be over in a heart beat helping you with all that needs to be done. Please know that you are in my prayers. Keep blogging, it is good for you, and good for us to know how you are! Love and Hugz, Suz
Thanks Suz. He's doing pretty good though and will be home soon :)
tenderhope wrote on Feb 5, '08
Hi Mo,
I really wished we lived closer, I'd be over in a heart beat helping you with all that needs to be done. Please know that you are in my prayers. Keep blogging, it is good for you, and good for us to know how you are! Love and Hugz, Suz
nanook84 wrote on Feb 4, '08, edited on Feb 4, '08
Oh Mo, so sorry to hear that Tony wasn't able to come home, even for a short visit. I do understand what you are going through since I've gone through this with both my older sisters, and 2 nephew already, our Medicare isn't the fastest one.
Have you contacted your local CLSC about it, it did help when I did for my sisters, they lent me equipment so they could come home earlier, till we got their place fixed properly.
As for having only 1 chair that Tony can sit comfortably and securely in the house, my nephews came up with a nifty thing for my sisters, they measured the height that chairs and compared it to others had to be raised in the house, then they made sturdy block out of hard wood with a tiny railing all around so the chair's legs wouldn't slip of them, what is nice with this system is that when my sisters go to visit they can bring the non slip blocks with them and use them at my house or whatever. Most chairs come in only 3 heights, so it was pretty simple to make the sets, once they figured it out.
They also used cedar to design platform to get in and out of the bath, as well a one that my sister Diane can use to get in her pick up, this one has a kind of "handle" that she use to retrieve it with her cane once she is in the pick up.
Both sister have finally been approved by the Québec's Retirement for the full Invalidity program, and their whole house and vehicle will be modified accordingly.
You ought to discuss it with Tony's specialist. As the cost for equipment sure add up fast.
Otherwise don't forget to have everything approved and then send the bills with your Income tax report.
Black ice, the hypocrite one, now about that knee that is hurting, after a fall like that, they always tell you to put ice on it, true, but alternate with warm not hot compress made of 1 part white Vinegar 3 parts water, Vinegar contains ASA and will go through the skin, to help relieve both the pain, and the swelling, it is also good to "suck" any fluid that might have accumulated out, like for a furoncle, oh not sure if this is in English.
Now you be careful you know that come this week, we will be in for more of the stuff we had last week. We sure have an "old fashioned" Quebec Winter this year. Lets hope Willie was right and that it will be an early Spring.
I'll be praying for you and your family. Big hugs to you and your family.
moscreations wrote on Feb 4, '08
Not really Kanda, about the same :)
kandaphati wrote on Feb 4, '08
Better today?
Hope so... Get well soon, Mo. :-)
moscreations wrote on Feb 3, '08
nanatimes8 said
Awww Mo...wish it were all easier for you. So sorry to hear you fell but at least Tony wasn't home with you when it happened. Then you would have really worried. Please take care of yourself and I'll be thinking and praying for ya!!
Thanks Nancy, I appreciate it. I think if he had been home he would have been more worried about me, at least he didn't know until after the fact :)
nanatimes8 wrote on Feb 3, '08
Awww Mo...wish it were all easier for you. So sorry to hear you fell but at least Tony wasn't home with you when it happened. Then you would have really worried. Please take care of yourself and I'll be thinking and praying for ya!!
moscreations wrote on Feb 3, '08
andershansen said
Dear Mos! Hope everything turns out well for you with ur installing. You are in my thoughts for your knee and cyst - hope that is not as bad as it sounds. Hugs and lots of love your friend Anders!
Thank you Anders, I appreciate it
moscreations wrote on Feb 3, '08
kandaphati said
Oh dear, Mo,... You OK?! Don't fall anymore!!!!!!
You certainly need help. Better ask someone that you trust.
The therapists were right to come survey first without bringing Tony.
The bench looked good. Clever. Never seen any designs that good.
Hope you have them all installed ASAP.
Looks like you have a lot of homework, Mo!!!!
Wish I could help more.
It's not like I did it on purpose Kanda........LOL, accidents will happen, just that I didn't need it to happen just NOW.....lol
moscreations wrote on Feb 3, '08
barbarab1313 said
Boy I thought for sure Tony would have been able to come home for a visit but it sounds like it won't be long now. This weather is nuts, I fell myself the other day on ice but thank goodness I didn't hurt myself.
I hope it is nothing serious with your knee, maybe they can drain it.
You are both still in my prayers and hopefully Tony will be home soon and things can get back to normal or as normal as they can be given the circumstances.
So hang in there and make sure you are taking care of you.
Thanks Barbara, it's snowing a tiny bit again this morning :(
for the knee, will just have to wait and see what they say for the cyst, as for the other problem, I hope it stops hurting soon, might ask the tech when she does the ultrasound if she can do something about that too. Don't know if they can for the front part.
Glad that you're doing ok!!!
andershansen wrote on Feb 3, '08
Dear Mos! Hope everything turns out well for you with ur installing. You are in my thoughts for your knee and cyst - hope that is not as bad as it sounds. Hugs and lots of love your friend Anders!
kandaphati wrote on Feb 3, '08
Oh dear, Mo,... You OK?! Don't fall anymore!!!!!!
You certainly need help. Better ask someone that you trust.
The therapists were right to come survey first without bringing Tony.
The bench looked good. Clever. Never seen any designs that good.
Hope you have them all installed ASAP.
Looks like you have a lot of homework, Mo!!!!
Wish I could help more.
barbarab1313 wrote on Feb 2, '08
Boy I thought for sure Tony would have been able to come home for a visit but it sounds like it won't be long now. This weather is nuts, I fell myself the other day on ice but thank goodness I didn't hurt myself.
I hope it is nothing serious with your knee, maybe they can drain it.
You are both still in my prayers and hopefully Tony will be home soon and things can get back to normal or as normal as they can be given the circumstances.
So hang in there and make sure you are taking care of you.