Today is the 3 month anniversary of Tony's stroke!!! He's come a long way since November 12th, but if the Lakeshore General Hospital had given more therapy, he would be doing a heck of a lot better, but we have to accept the limitations for now and hope everything will get better in the next 6 months.
He is now walking with a quad cane, and sometimes during the therapy, the therapist makes him walk without the cane, but not for long. The arm however still refuses to move as it should, and the hand cannot grasp objects, I don't know if that will ever come back, it seems pretty hopeless right now.
I have had installed the required grab bars by Will-Aide and the installer is supposed to come back either Thursday or Friday to install the railings for the stairway that goes up to the bedrooms. Hope he comes Thursday, because Tony is coming home for the week-end, and will be here Friday afternoon, the 2 therapists are also coming to see if everything is set up as it should be and to make sure he can get around OK.
If all goes well Tony will be released on the 21st for good, and then he will go in as an out-patient twice a week for the therapy. We don't know yet how that will work out, if the appointments vary or if they are set at the same time every week. It's kind of annoying because I need to make some other appointments for both Tony and myself and if we don't know if he'll have to be in therapy it's hard to plan. He has a basal cell carcinoma on the top of his head that needs to be removed, he had seen his dermatologist the day before he went in the hospital, so we never had a chance to contact the plastic surgeon who removes the spot, I need to make that appointment for him and he also needs to see his ENT to get his ear canal checked out for wax buildup, he has to do that every 6 months and of course we are past that now.
I am a bit - ok more than a bit - apprehensive as to how everything will work when he gets home. For one thing, I haven't done any cooking in over 3 months, and now I'll have to feed him 3 meals a day, whereas before I'd only have to worry about supper, he always made his own breakfast and his lunch was always prepared ahead (sandwich etc). But that's minor, I'm more worried about if he will be able to get in and out of bed without problems, and be able to get to the bathroom in the middle of the night, as he always wakes up at the rehab and uses the urinal there. He might do the same at home, but we'll have to wait and see how it goes.
Then there is the matter of bathing. I have bought the bench that was suggested, but I'm not quite sure how to handle helping him with that, and am hoping that the CLSC will jump in soon, but I have to wait for the therapist to send the file over AFTER he leaves!!!!!! Why of why I wonder do they have to wait till the last minute when they know the CLSC won't be able to do anything right away. It really ticks me off, but I don't have a choice, I have to wait for them. I think that the fact that he is not on his own, they probably rely on me doing everything for him, but I hope they will help out at least a little.
My time is limited now on the PC, and I think that once he is home for good it will be even more limited because I'll be the only one here to help him getting around etc. Although he does pretty good with his quad cane, but it is different here. It's all carpeted for one thing, and I don't know if that will impede him at all. And of course, there isn't all that much space for him to walk around, at the rehab he walks 90 metres every night and on week-ends he does it twice a day, here there isn't that much space, he might be getting cabin fever after a
Because we don't yet have the wheelchair, we can't go around and go through shopping centres, it's too tiring for him to walk any long distances with the cane, so we really need that chair, and it should be another month before we get it. And the other thing we are still waiting for is the handicap parking permit, that will probably be another month as well. I don't know why they have to wait to almost the last minute to get these things under way.
This week, the owner of the company he works for came by to visit and said she had a "transport chair" that her husband was using (he passed away a couple of years ago) and she would lend it to us if we could use it (he was a lot smaller, so I don't know if it will fit Tony's frame) and she also had a type of walker with a bench so that you can sit, but I don't think we'll be able to use that, because Tony doesn't have the use of both arms. She will get someone to bring these to us. She's a wonderful lady, she's in her late 70's or early 80, I'm not quite sure, but she gets around on her own, drives a car etc.
As for myself, I had the ultrasound for my knee last week and I'm still waiting for the result of that, I haven't yet heard from my doctor!! I also had my regular blood test for my INR (I'm also on Coumadin) and my blood was a bit too thin, so my dose was reduced for a couple of days a week - nothing to be alarmed about. Tony's INR seems to have stabilized finally, thank goodness!!! Oh and he's no longer MRSA, finally confirmed last week, that is quite a relief, although we already knew he wasn't, now it's official!
Well I hope I haven't forgotten any other news, but I'm really getting tired now and will get to bed shortly. I can't seem to be able to sleep more than 6 hours a night though, whereas I used to sleep at least 7 hours and sometimes 8 hours - which is what is recommended, but I just can't do it anymore, and I'll probably sleep even less when Tony comes home!!
I will leave you with a really bad quality video I took while playing with Tony's new laptop tonight, it has an integrated webcam and we had to try it, so I took a very quick and short video and here it is :) Just remember that Tony was just re-learning how to speak and had a hard time to articulated most of the time.
moscreations wrote on Mar 25, '08
mombaker said on Mar 18, '08
I'm soooo glad Tony is coming home. Together again as the song goes. That video did my heart good. To see & hear you both, WOW!! Loved it. I know how you feel. When my husband was alive & had cancer & had to get around in a wheelchair & then was bedridden. I waited on him hand & foot & was awaken sometimes 3 or 4 times a night to give him a massage because he was in such pain. Then I had to go to work the next day cleaning homes. If I did not love him & feel so comitted to our marriage, I would not have been able to make it. God Bless you both. Hang in is definitely worth it.
Hugs, MOM
Thanks Mom. Tony has been home now for over a month and it doesn't leave me much time to be on the computer. Hope you had a good Easter, ours was a quiet one. Tony suffered a fall last week-end and is still in pain, he got a contusion, thank goodness nothing was broken, but he is still in pain and requires more supervision! I too have to get up a few times during the night when he needs help going to the bathroom, but we finally are getting some hep now with his bathing, we have someone coming (starting today) 3 times a week to do that, at least I get that short time where i can get other things done.
moscreations wrote on Mar 14, '08
Thanks Kori and Suz for checking up on us.
I have been remiss in not posting an update, but you're right Kori, I'm so busy and caught up in doing everything that I'm too bushed to blog, I barely do any email as it is, mostly I answer personal email and delete most jokes most of the time, there isn't enough time to forward all those emails.
Yes Suz, he has been home since March 20th, and it's pretty hectic as I'm having to do everything, from cooking, cleaning, washing, helping him get washed (shower), get dressed, going up and down the stairs, taking him to the various doctors, as we need to catch up on all cancelled appointments and of course being the therapist as well, including PT, OT and psychologist as well, as he is getting the occasional panic attack. Any outing is a long preparation and the outing itself is stressful enough as it is. We're still waiting to hear from the local CLSC to see what kind of help we can get, and also waiting for the wheelchair, still no word on that either and still waiting for the handicap parking sticker to allow to park in those special areas and the special passes to allow us to use handicap public transport. Everything seems to be slow as molasses in January!!!
And then we have the damn winter to contend with, the snow that just won't quit, my back is killing me!!! And I heard from someone who told me today we are expecting another big storm at the end of March and another in APRIL!!!!! I'm getting so fed up with winter.
We would have been going to bed about an hour ago, but he was starting getting anxious - another panic attack, because he worries about different things, mainly tonight about me, so I try to console him and bolster him and now he's fallen asleep in his chair. Hopefully he'll sleep through the night (in bed of
Thank you both for your comments. Have a nice week-end!
osuzana wrote on Mar 14, '08
So is he home and how is it going?
bubbly94 wrote on Mar 14, '08
Hope all is going well now at home. You haven't updated in a couple weeks, you are probably too busy to get on the computer! You and your husband continue to be in my thoughts!
moscreations wrote on Feb 26, '08
osuzana said
LOL, cute video. Well, you need to slow down and just deal with one thing at a time. I went through some of this with mom and dad and it does seem slow and to take forever. I went and picked mom up twice a week for her therapy and had her here with me right after rehab in the hospital and it was really easier to have her here at the house. Going to pick her up twice a week and take her to rehab was a little tiring because she lives about 20 minutes from me and it was 20 min. more to where we had to take her so it was all day for me. They set up a regular schedule for her twice a week and we worked around that.
Actually things went smoothly and at least there were days when you didn't have to jump up and get dressed so early. That was nice. I cooked several things and froze some things so I had some meals ahead on those at home days. Soups and stuff. It worked pretty good.
Yes it would be stressful having to go pick up a person to bring them to rehab, I guess I'm lucky in that respect. We have yet to hear when we will be able to start with that, I don't have enough time during the day to spend being a therapist on top of everything else that needs to be done here. Today we finally had someone here to fix my computer and install a wireless router at the same time, so now Tony can use the laptop upstairs, which he is doing right now :)
If only it wasn't winter, he could go outside and go with me for walks, but the snow just won't stop coming, I'm so sick of
Thanks for the visit and comment Suz.
osuzana wrote on Feb 26, '08
Well, I just read above so it sounds like you have the food thing down. Don't worry until it happens. They will walk you through everything.
moscreations wrote on Feb 19, '08
barb5t said
Forget the quality of the video. I see two wonderful people greeting us. Love it!
There is so much to think and wonder about. I hope the weekend goes well. I know it will feel sooooo good to Tony to be home if he can get past the difficult bumps. You both have my continued prayers.
Hugs, Barb
Thanks Barb, you're too kind :) - Tony is coming home for good tomorrow!!!!
We'll still need those prayers, thanks so much Barb
moscreations wrote on Feb 13, '08
barbarab1313 said.
What a cute video of you two.
Sounds like you have your work cut out for you. Won't the CLSC come in to help you at least a few days a week, maybe do some cleaning and help Tony a bit or are they leaving it all up to you.
They must realize that you are not 100% either.
Maybe you can make meals in advance and freeze them that way you can prepare one time and not every time you have to eat
It can't be easy for you and no wonder you can't sleep with everything rolling around in your mind,
I think once you get Tony home and settle in to some kind of routine, things will settle down and go well.
The nice weather will be coming soon not today though ha ha and Tony will be able to get outdoors for walks.
At least the workers will be coming with Tony to see if everything is set up for him.
I think Tony will just be happy to get back home to where he is loved by you and Tara, the rest will take some adjusting but you are both strong and love each other and I would bet things will be ok.
Take care of yourself and I know it is easy for me to say don't worry and put it in God's hands but easier said then done.
Take care (((HUGS)))
Thanks Barbara :) it's not a very good quality video, we were just fooling around with the new laptop :)
It won't be easy that's for sure, but I guess we'll eventually get used to it all, it will be a new routine! We always did prepare meals ahead and froze them :) Right now I have loads of food in the freezer, which I hope will still be good as it's been there for over 3 months! Lots of chicken, tilapia, salmon, pork chops, 1 pot roast and ground beef, we're loaded to the
He's also used to going to bed early now, so I don't know how that will work over here, if he'll keep those same hours, I'm sure I'll be up every time he wakes up in the middle of the night.
Winter ain't over coming tomorrow night again!!! Just in time for his homecoming too!!! Have to make sure the driveway is nice and clean!!
He can't wait to be home and I'm sure Tara will be jumping for joy when she sees him, I'm taking her to the groomer tomorrow, so she'll be nice and clean for him :)
moscreations wrote on Feb 13, '08
dkbtimbo51 said
Mo, I know you aren't sure if you can handle things with Tony when he comes home but I, am, sure God will give you the strength and guide you with HIS wisdom for you to do so. I, know you are a strong woman and you will find the power within yourself to do what needs to be done. Hopefully before you leave the hospital someone will show you how to help Tony with the shower etc. One would think that they would at any rate. I, am, sorry to hear that motion in his one hand and arm is not back where it should be. It may take a lot longer for that mobility to return. Thank you for the video. You two look so happy, with your lovely smiles. Continuing to keep you both in my prayers. Love and hugs, to you both. Donna/Dkbtimbo51
I'm always praying for strength Donna, sometimes I'm not so strong, but that's when I'm on my own, I've always tried to be strong (or appear to be) in front of Tony, specially in the early days. I don't think it will be all that difficult to get him in the shower, he won't be able to stand, he'll be sitting on that bath bench I bought and take the shower sitting down, I'm hoping the CLSC will be helping with that a couple of times a week anyway, but we'll see how that goes.
Thanks for the prayers Donna
moscreations wrote on Feb 13, '08
mkinwa said
Huge hugs for you Mo!
Years ago, my mother-in-law had a stroke. When she came home, she was to walk around the house, several times a day. I set up a great (well...ok, so it was an OK) path. As she regained her strength, I took her to the grocery store. She was able to get her exercise by walking up and down the aisles, using the grocery cart for stability. It's tedious, but it's indoors, and relatively safe. Grocery carts are good sturdy thingers.
Your budget must be in tatters, and will continue that way. With everybody home 24/7, expect your utility bill to skyrocket. Also your grocery bill. You'll get used to preparing three meals, but not overnight.
I think about you two, was going to get over here yesterday, but I got busy with some research. Was SO happy to receive this alert!
Keeping you in prayer.
Thanks M.K. Always appreciate the prayers.
We've cleared the living room so that he can walk around in there, although it's not a large area, but he can walk there, in the hallway to the dining room (no space there to speak of) and through the kitchen, which is only a galley type kitchen, so not much area for him to walk through and because of the snow it makes it hard for him to do anything else right now, and because he can't walk great distances, walking in malls is too much at this time, but hopefully as the months go by and spring arrives it will be better. The grocery bill will go up for
moscreations wrote on Feb 13, '08
dreamyone said
Ah!.. I love the video... You both look so sweet.,
He's looking so much better and it's so good how much progress he's made. It's good news that he'll soon be able to come home with you and that will be such a relief I'm sure. And he'll probably do even better at home then he would at the hospital.
I just hope you will not over do, I know this all has taken it's toll on you , stress wise and also sleep and such . Just remember to take time out for yourself.
I know you may end up losing more computer time.. but sometimes we have to take care of our own personal needs first and the rest can wait. However I'll miss you , and have already noticed the big void when your not around. I'm so sorry to hear that Tony has to have a basal cell removed but also happy they found it..That is nothing to play around with. I Know I'm scared to death of those things popping up on me too especially since I was such a sun worshiper my entire life. Anyway my dear I really hope that your MRI will turn out not to be too serious and also , again that you'll find sometime for yourself and be able to catch up on some rest. Sure wish I lived closer to you , I'd fix you both some meals and do what ever I could to give you a break. But all I can do is say that I"m praying and thinking of you both constantly and wishing soon for things to get all better again.. Love you friend and heres a big hug for you. I hope you feel it and know I care and I'm thinking of you.. Thank you for the update and don't go to far away okay.. I'll miss you.. Thank you also for the cute things in my mailbox. I haven't had time today to look as we had an awful storm last night and it blew out one of my computers totally and we've been cleaning up since last night here since it hit. Lightening struck two homes near by me last night and burned them to the ground.. thankfully nobody was hurt.. but we lost power all night long.. it was so scary... Well off I go thanks gain for the update.. and heres one more hug cause you need lots of them from us all right now, and cause they make everything better I think.. :)
Thanks Les, it's not a very good
We'll have to get into a routine once he's home for good, including the trips back to the rehab twice a week for 3 to 4 months!
I have yet to call to make that appointment for him to get that basal cell removed, too many things going on at the same
Sorry to hear you got hit by lightening at your house, but you're lucky yours didn't burn down to the ground that's just awful that happened to the other 2 homes.
Thanks for the hugs sweet friends and sending them back to you too :)
moscreations wrote on Feb 13, '08
mistyshadows2u said
MO some of the stores in the mall have wheelchairs...Walmart for sure...but again they might be too small for Tony...but you could check them out before he comes home permanently. Such great news he is coming home. Have you got someone that can come in to give you a couple hours for in going out for lunch...going grocery shopping...just to take a bath??? They have that and if you don't you get your doctor to help you. You will need that bit of time just for you....It's important!
Hi Misty, yes malls and hospitals do have wheelchairs, I think though that they will lend us the one he is currently using until we get the one that was fitted for him, I know they will at least for this week-end. I'm sure the CLSC (the organism in Quebec that would do that) will get that done eventually, just have to go with the system, the therapists have to hand over a file to them, a caseworker has to be assign and then they will contact me I guess, I can't seem to be able to be the one to contact them, it has to come from them, so just have to wait and see, at least by next week I should know one way or another (I hope).
barbarab1313 wrote on Feb 13, '08
What a cute video of you two.
Sounds like you have your work cut out for you. Won't the CLSC come in to help you at least a few days a week, maybe do some cleaning and help Tony a bit or are they leaving it all up to you.
They must realize that you are not 100% either.
Maybe you can make meals in advance and freeze them that way you can prepare one time and not every time you have to eat
It can't be easy for you and no wonder you can't sleep with everything rolling around in your mind,
I think once you get Tony home and settle in to some kind of routine, things will settle down and go well.
The nice weather will be coming soon not today though ha ha and Tony will be able to get outdoors for walks.
At least the workers will be coming with Tony to see if everything is set up for him.
I think Tony will just be happy to get back home to where he is loved by you and Tara, the rest will take some adjusting but you are both strong and love each other and I would bet things will be ok.
Take care of yourself and I know it is easy for me to say don't worry and put it in God's hands but easier said then done.
Take care (((HUGS)))
dkbtimbo51 wrote on Feb 13, '08
Mo, I know you aren't sure if you can handle things with Tony when he comes home but I, am, sure God will give you the strength and guide you with HIS wisdom for you to do so. I, know you are a strong woman and you will find the power within yourself to do what needs to be done. Hopefully before you leave the hospital someone will show you how to help Tony with the shower etc. One would think that they would at any rate. I, am, sorry to hear that motion in his one hand and arm is not back where it should be. It may take a lot longer for that mobility to return. Thank you for the video. You two look so happy, with your lovely smiles. Continuing to keep you both in my prayers. Love and hugs, to you both. Donna/Dkbtimbo51
mkinwa wrote on Feb 13, '08
Huge hugs for you Mo!
Years ago, my mother-in-law had a stroke. When she came home, she was to walk around the house, several times a day. I set up a great (well...ok, so it was an OK) path. As she regained her strength, I took her to the grocery store. She was able to get her exercise by walking up and down the aisles, using the grocery cart for stability. It's tedious, but it's indoors, and relatively safe. Grocery carts are good sturdy thingers.
Your budget must be in tatters, and will continue that way. With everybody home 24/7, expect your utility bill to skyrocket. Also your grocery bill. You'll get used to preparing three meals, but not overnight.
I think about you two, was going to get over here yesterday, but I got busy with some research. Was SO happy to receive this alert!
Keeping you in prayer.
dreamyone wrote on Feb 12, '08
Ah!.. I love the video... You both look so sweet.,
He's looking so much better and it's so good how much progress he's made. It's good news that he'll soon be able to come home with you and that will be such a relief I'm sure. And he'll probably do even better at home then he would at the hospital.
I just hope you will not over do, I know this all has taken it's toll on you , stress wise and also sleep and such . Just remember to take time out for yourself.
I know you may end up losing more computer time.. but sometimes we have to take care of our own personal needs first and the rest can wait. However I'll miss you , and have already noticed the big void when your not around. I'm so sorry to hear that Tony has to have a basal cell removed but also happy they found it..That is nothing to play around with. I Know I'm scared to death of those things popping up on me too especially since I was such a sun worshiper my entire life. Anyway my dear I really hope that your MRI will turn out not to be too serious and also , again that you'll find sometime for yourself and be able to catch up on some rest. Sure wish I lived closer to you , I'd fix you both some meals and do what ever I could to give you a break. But all I can do is say that I"m praying and thinking of you both constantly and wishing soon for things to get all better again.. Love you friend and heres a big hug for you. I hope you feel it and know I care and I'm thinking of you.. Thank you for the update and don't go to far away okay.. I'll miss you.. Thank you also for the cute things in my mailbox. I haven't had time today to look as we had an awful storm last night and it blew out one of my computers totally and we've been cleaning up since last night here since it hit. Lightening struck two homes near by me last night and burned them to the ground.. thankfully nobody was hurt.. but we lost power all night long.. it was so scary... Well off I go thanks gain for the update.. and heres one more hug cause you need lots of them from us all right now, and cause they make everything better I think.. :)
mistyshadows2u wrote on Feb 12, '08
MO some of the stores in the mall have wheelchairs...Walmart for sure...but again they might be too small for Tony...but you could check them out before he comes home permanently. Such great news he is coming home. Have you got someone that can come in to give you a couple hours for in going out for lunch...going grocery shopping...just to take a bath??? They have that and if you don't you get your doctor to help you. You will need that bit of time just for you....It's important!
moscreations wrote on Feb 12, '08
kandaphati said
Lots of homework for you, Mo! Hope everything will be done as planned.
Is it possible to hire a helper to help a few hours a day? You might want one....
Rest well. Take care. You are in my thoughts.
Yup sure is Kanda. I can't afford a helper!! Unless it comes, and now I better get to bed :)
kandaphati wrote on Feb 12, '08
Lots of homework for you, Mo! Hope everything will be done as planned.
Is it possible to hire a helper to help a few hours a day? You might want one....
Rest well. Take care. You are in my thoughts.
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